E-mail Address(es):
Webpage Address:
Other Clubs your in:
A Little About You:
Picture?? (Just attach it to an email.)
Name: Vivienne. Also known as The Queen Dragynette, Empress of Boyfriend Challenged-ness, She who Accepts No BS, The Light of the Dark Side, Pentagram Chic, Dragon Girl, That Wierd One, and, every now and again, "HEY YOU!"
Birthday: November 25th
E-mail Address: (I can also be found at
Webpage Address:Vivienne's Stuff and The Great Relm of Nothing.
Personas: Weyrleader Second J'then and Nariohath; Weyrling L'saryn and Neasinth; Weyrling Amaryl and Descarianth; Weyrling Vientre and Aamireth;
Candidate Nialithae
Other Clubs I'm In: Too many. I'm going to do some quitting, soon, I
Quote: Uhm... No particular one. Go look at and read the quotes section if you really
care that much. A little about you: I am hyper. I love Farpoint. And the people I see there. ::pokes Jen:: Hee hee. I pretend to know how to write and draw, and spend a good deal of my time doing the aforementioned writing and drawing. I like to drive my dad's car, my step-mom's car, my sister's car... Anyone's car,
really... I like Crispy M&Ms. Name: Calvin McLearn, aka B'son, aka Bucket, aka The almighty Pern Guru
Personas: B'son, A'nerion, P'tyr, T'lane, O'lan
Other Clubs your in:MoonSet Weyr Eyre Sea Weyr
Quote: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
A Little About You: Me? you don't wanna know about me.
Name: Jen, Jenn (for those who can't spell), Lena, Lena Gogan, Ruth, Freak, Me, You??, You!!, Queen of the Goganian Universe of Pizza, Pretzels and Pineapple People, of the Planet of Indigo Girlz and Dave Matthew's Band
Birthday:March 26th. I am EXPECTING birthday prezzies then...
E-mail Address:
Webpage Address:Lena Collection of Stuff
Personas: Lady Aliana and Kayea
Other Clubs your in:Belior Weyr
Quote:"Some boys take a beautiful girl, and hide her away from the rest of the world, I want to be the one to walk in the sun, Oh girls just wanna have fun, Oh girls just wanna have..." -Cyndi Lauper and... "Hey! You've got to hide your love away." -The Beatles and... "Do I stress you out? My sweater's on backwards, and you say how appropriate." -Alanis Morissette
A Little About You:I'm crazy. I love people, and I finally got my act together, and have become social. I want to kill off nearly all the men in the world, so I never have to be angry at one of them again. I'm a feminist, and I'm not getting married. I'm wild, and I love doing stupid stuff that makes me laugh a year afterwards. I NEVER WEAR MY HAIR UP IN PUBLIC. Mostly just to piss off my friends. I usually have it up at home. Sexy gummy bears give me nightmares, and I would know. And, no matter what Calvin does, he can't keep me from being a -r--t---t-... ::grins evilly::
Email your info to Jen at Thanks!