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The Dragonriders of Pern is a registered trademark. Gossip and Hearsay -Want more than just news? Check out the latest gossip in the weyr. You KNOW how weyrfolk like to talk... Adoptable Personas -If you'd like to play at Siran, but don't want to have to create a persona from scratch, check out these adoptables. There are many lonely personas here that are looking for a home. Writing Requirements -If you play a status position (such as a goldrider, master craftsman, Lord Holder, etc), you WILL be expected to work for it! Check out the writing requirements for each status persona type. Dating System -Have you looked at the conversion chart, but still can't quite get the hang of Pernese time? Check out this page; it may have the answers you're looking for! Rules and Regulations -Need your memory refreshed on the "no-nos" of Siran Weyr? You can find the Big List of Don'ts here. Member Info -If you'd like to know a little more about the people who play at Siran, take a look here. Or, if you're a member who'd like to be listed, use the format provided to send in your profile.