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Guide for "Island Dreams"

The World of Pern is copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey, 1967.
The Dragonriders of Pern is a registered trademark.

Updated 04-23-00

A major part of participating in Siran Weyr is contributing to the magazine, "Island Dreams." Also, participating in small-group Round Robin stories is highly recomended- good story fodder! Here are some guidelines to help you when writing and RPing (roleplaying) for Siran Weyr.

1) Siran is considered an offline weyr, which means that we can't have any online, chatroom roleplay sessions. However, feel free to rp in the weyr via email... it is now permissible, and will add a lot of flavour to your story-writing experience!

2) For ease of editing, please use the following: {{dragon to rider}}, [[rider to dragon]], ::Between:: and please don't SHOUT a lot using all caps. It gets annoying after a while.

3) When submitting a story, please make sure it has the following: title, author, Pern date, place, and personas used in the story.

4) Magazine submissions are due: June 1- September 1- December 1- March 1

5) The magazine should be ready for publication: June 21- September 21- December 21- March 21

It is highly recommended that you take a look at the Rules and Regulations page, just to make sure you don't do any of the "no-nos" listed there. Also, check out the Writing Requirements for status personas!