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The World of Pern is copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey, 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern is a registered trademark. 2) A Pernese week has 7 days, a month has 28 days, and a Turn has 13 months. Now, this adds up to 364 days. The last day (#365) is called "Turn's End" or "Turnover", and is when the new year is celebrated. 3) A Pern date is written in the format of Turn.Month.Day; so, the date P 03.01.19 would be the 3rd Turn of the present Pass, the 1st month, and the 19th day. 4) The "P" or "I" before a date tells if the date is during a Pass (P) or during an Interval (I). Now, if you're ready to convert some dates, you can head to the Conversion Charts which show the Terran/Pernese date equivalents. If you still have questions, contact Dani for help.