~How to Join~
If you'd like to join Siran Weyr, the first thing you'll need to do is create a persona. Copy and paste the persona guide below into the text editor of your choice, fill it out, and send it in. Just follow these guidelines, and you'll be playing Pern before you know it!
1) Decide if you'd like a rider, crafter or holder persona.
Member Information (All information is required, and is kept confidential)
Address: (This is only so we can send you the magazine. If there is a problem with giving out this info, let us know, and we'll work with you!)
Phone Number: (this will be known by the BOD only. For emergencies)
Email Address:
Mac, IBM, or Other?:
Other Clubs you belong to:
Hobbies, What you'd like do for us etc:
Name: (obvious)
Position: (rider, crafter, holder? Brat?)
Sex: (male or female!)
Birthdate: (another obvious one)
Age: (in turns)
Birthplace: (hold, hall, weyr? On a boat? )
Parents' Names and Ranks: (they raised you, obviously they are important)
Siblings: (most non rider couples have big families, between is Pern's only birth control!)
Significant others: (friends, enemies, lovers?)
Physical Description: (we gotta know what you look like!)
Height and Build: (tall? Chubby? Skin and bones?)
Hair Color and Style: (pern doesn’t have hair dye! And riders generally cut their hair short for threadfall)
Eyes(Color/Shape): (no contacts on Pern)
Facial Features: (freckles? Dimples? What?)
Complexion: (do they blush? Tan? )
Identifying Marks: (scars or birthmarks?)
Right/Left Handed: (hmmm…. If I need to explain it…)
Voice: (do they whisper? Have laryngytis a lot? Tend to shout?)
Dress/Favorite Colors: (love green? hate skirts? Never out of leather?)
Jewelry/Weapons: (rings, charms, beltknives?)
Skills and Hobbies: (do they collect anything? Draw? Write poetry? Cook?)
Character's Timeline: (important events in your life}
Background: (what made you the way you are today?)
Personality: (chipper? Introverted? Love the night life?)
Relationships: (weyrmates, spouses, enemies?)
Pets: (flits, cats, and dogs are the norm. how did you get them?)
Dragon's Name: (they must end in -th)
Color: (gold, bronze, brown, blue or green)
Size (the sizes given are small/medium/large for length and wingspan; no sizes larger or smaller than these parameters will be accepted):
Where and When Impressed: (weyr and date..)
Sire/Dam: (ask us for charts)
Wing: (we’ll assign you one)
Physical Appearance: (emerald green? chocolate brown?)
Personality: (perky? Cynical?)
Relationships: (weyrmates? With other creatures?)
Strengths and Weaknesses: (faster than a speeding bullet? Good on search?)
Craft: (harper etc)
Specialty: (composition? Midwifery?)
Rank: (apprentice, journeyman, master)
Masters: (who taught them?)
Strengths and Weaknesses: (can teach? Isn’t a good leader?)
Hold: (name)
Size: (# of people in it?)
Rank: (cot, minor holder, major holder, Lord holder?)
Strengths and Weakness: (can’t say no? too strict?)
Name: (umm…)
Hold/Craft/Weyr: (again, obvious)
Rank: (what do they do?)
Short Description: (looks, personality)
2) Fill out the pertinent areas of the persona sheet
3) Send it in to The Approval Team. It's that easy!
Siran Weyr Persona Sheet
Persona Information
Dragon Information (Fill this out only if you're creating a dragonrider or weyrling persona)
Gold: 128/137/145 Length; 259/276/293 WS
Bronze: 115/135/140 Length; 255/270/289 WS
Brown: 90/110/128 Length; 195/225/260 WS
Blue: 78/87/97 Length; 156/166/177 WS
Green: 65/70/78 Length; 155/165/178 WS
Crafter Information (Fill out this section only if your persona is a crafter)
Holder Information (Fill out this section only if your persona is a holder)
NPCs (Non-Persona Characters, people who "belong" to your persona, but aren't full personas in their own right, like a parent, child, sibling, old flame, etc.)