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The World of Pern is copyrighted by Anne McCaffrey, 1967. The Dragonriders of Pern is a registered trademark. From The Dragonlady herself: 1) Don't use any of AM's characters. Period. Also, your persona cannot be related to one of AM's. 2) Dragons are gold, bronze, brown, blue and green. There will never be another white dragon. You can only have one of the listed colors of dragons. 3) No religion! 4) No magic, witchcraft, incredible healing, fortune tellers, etc. 5) Females will only ride gold and green dragons, with the occasional blue. Men will only ride bronze, brown, blue and green. 6) No telepathy, ESP or telekinesis. A rider can converse with their dragon, a ~rare~ HAD (Hearing All Dragons) can hear all dragons, and a dragon may occasionally speak to a non-rider; these are the only examples of "telepathy" that are allowed. 7) No crossovers! Pern is Pern, and Star Trek, AD&D, etc. characters don't belong here. In other words, don't even think about having Princess Leia land on Pern and Impress a gold. It just won't happen. 8) Dragons cannot leave Pern. No dragon will leave Pern. No dragon will attempt to leave Pern. Who would want to leave Pern? From the Siran BOD: 1) We are chronologically before AIVAS, Robinton, Lessa, etc. Do not even allude to them. 2) Timing is limited to golds and bronzes. A few browns may be allowed under very special circumstances, but it will be the BOD's decision, not yours. 3) There will be only 2 HAD in the weyr at a time. You must have a very good reason for your persona to have this ability. There may be a few more allowed outside of the weyr, but you will still have to fulfill the writing requirements. 4) Female blueriders are allowed, with a writing req. of 2 stories a year. 5) Siran Weyr is free to join. But, if you want to recieve the magazine, you will be responsible for whatever monies are necessary for printing, disks to put it on, postage, etc. At this time, we are not allowed to send the 'zine via email. 6) Your persona may have 3 flitters (firelizards) at the max. Gold flits are rare, and if your persona has one, she can only have one other (and it cannot be a bronze). Also, you can only have ONE gold among your horde of personas.